Wirral Waters Landscaping

Landscape and Green Infrastructure.

Wirral Waters Landscaping


Peel want to create a compelling place at Wirral Waters that attracts occupiers – residential, commercial, educational and cultural – and investment.  Part of this involves creating a strong, indigenous landscape.  Wirral is known for its countryside and coastline.  As part of the ‘masterplanning’ for the Wirral Waters project the landscape strategy is a fundamental strand in ‘place setting’. We have been working with both the Forestry Commission and also Mersey Forest – as well as landscape architects: Landscape Projects and BCA – to put in place a plan that will bring some of that lush landscape identity from West Wirral into the Dock estate.

Through the ‘Setting the Scene for Growth’ project partners have committed £1.4m to fund the development and delivery of ‘Green Infrastructure’ projects centred around Wirral Waters. This funding is essential to deliver a positive transformation in the environmental quality of the Dock estate – a large scale, and currently degraded industrial landscape – but one with huge potential.

Project partners: Forestry Commission, and Mersey Forest

Latest News & Events

17 May 2019

Peel Holdings supports planting for the future in The Mersey Forest

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30 April 2019

Wirral Waters proud to sponsor Wirral Met’s football team

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18 April 2019

Class Leading Care Village Approved for Wirral Waters

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