Housing Zone

In 2017, Wirral Waters was designated as a Housing Zone by Central Government making it the only project in the UK to benefit from both Housing Zone and Enterprise Zone status. This demonstrates the priority status that Central Government is giving to the project.


A Unique Blend Of Opportunities

With both Enterprise Zone status and Housing Zone status, Wirral Waters is unique in the UK.

In light of the UK’s housing shortage, Housing Zones are designed to accelerate housing delivery. Governed and supported by the HCA and DCLG and with additional support from Wirral Council, Peel and its joint venture partners are developing the tools to deliver on the 13,000 residential units consented at Wirral Waters. A mixture of residential homes for a variety of incomes and family types will help to relieve pressure on the Wirral’s green belt.

Latest News & Events

17 May 2019

Peel Holdings supports planting for the future in The Mersey Forest

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30 April 2019

Wirral Waters proud to sponsor Wirral Met’s football team

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18 April 2019

Class Leading Care Village Approved for Wirral Waters

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